In 1971, the Physics Faculty of Iasi, supported by the Physics-Chemical Society - Iasi branch and County Scholar Inspectorat was organized the first edition of the Conference "Original Physical Educational Tools", for future Physics Teachers a corolar of pedagogical initial training in schols. On this occasion students, teachers and academics were used to present original contributions to the development of educational process, mainly regarding experimental set-ups and tool kits for education designed and used during the practical teaching activity.
Year after year, together with the process of modernization of the Physics Education in Romania (the training program and reframing the curriculum, the computer-assisted training and distance learning), the aria of interest of the Conference enlarged, so that Physics and Chemistry teachers of neighbor counties joined the traditional participants, and the Conference became a regional one. In a few years, due to the quality of the contribution and contributors, the inventiveness and to originality of the answers given to problems raised during the educational system reform, the Conference became a meeting of national interest.
Beginning with the XXV-th edition, the Conference changed its status and became an international meeting, while starting with the XVIII-th edition its title has been changed to the actual one "Modern Educational Technologies in Physics". Starting with XXX-th edition was introduced a new Section dedicated to the university students’ research works. Beginning with the 2007 year edition the students from middle and high schools was invited to join the conference in a special section presenting scholar club activities.
The anniversary of the jubilee raised additional challenges to the organizers in the context of the COVID – 19 pandemic. Teaching and science communication moved in online and virtuala environment which was an opportunity for many teachers, students and administrators to reflect on teaching and learning and to the role of new technologies in education, communication and scientific research.

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